WEB3 Layer 0 Infrastructure Technology

Providing Layer 0 Infrastructure Data Solutions for WEB3.

It is the infrastructure layer products and services which contributes to the stability and scale of the WEB3 stack.

Our development efforts utilize and embrace the established open standards of Asynchronous Data Communications to build and maintain a modern decentralized web infrastructure serving as the decentralized platform for all WEB3 applications to utilize.

Open Platform

The main goal of the ADCW community is to address some of the key challenges facing WEB3 and blockchain networks, such as low transaction throughput, high transaction fees, user experience, and most of all global usability. These challenges have limited the adoption of blockchain technology in mainstream applications, and ADCW's technology aim to provide a solution to these problems.

ADCW's consensus mechanism is used to achieve agreement, trust, and security across a decentralized WEB3 network.

Our technology is used in the following WEB3 Projects.

^BlockchainNames Global Data Spaces
ADCW Explanation

The Ecosystem

ADCW's technology and modular based platform, form the backbone of the WEB3 ecosystem, providing the foundational layer of security, scalability, and interoperability that makes blockchain technology so powerful and transformative.


Layer 0 applications are designed to be highly scalable and handle large volumes of transactions per second.


Layer 0 applications are highly secure, with strong encryption and cryptographic protocols that protect the integrity of the data on the chain.


Layer 0 applications are designed to be interoperable with other blockchains and systems, allowing for seamless transfer of assets and data between different platforms.


Layer 0 applications are typically decentralized, meaning that any single entity or organization does not control them.